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本书最新网址 https://junchaoiu.github.io/NLP-Learning-Notes ,欢迎大家访问 ~
机器翻译 知识图谱
🌈 为什么写这份笔记
🌸 关于作者
- 👋 Hi, I’m WU Junchao, a M.S. Student in UM(University of Macau).
- 👀 I’m focusing on Natural language processing, Machine Translation, and Knowledge Graphs at the moment.
- 🎓 If you are also interested in machine translation, you can follow my Senior Fellow Apprentice and Lab: Zhan Runzhe and NLP2CT LAB, I love them.
- ✨Chen Weiyu was my Senior Fellow Apprentice and guide when I was an undergraduate student, and he is now a Ph.D. Candidate in artificial intelligence at King’s College London.
- 🌈 Chen Xin is one of my best friends, who focus on BA and NLP at University of Southampton currently, he has a lot of interesting dreams.
- 📫 if you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to contact with my by my Email: wujunchaoIU@outlook.com. I'm looking forward for a nice sharing or a great cooperation.
✨ 当前的研究工作
- Unsupervised and Low-resource Machine Translation
- Automatic construction of Knowledge Graphs in documents
- Development of AutoProtege
- Public Opinion Analysis on Billbill
⚙ 编程语言和技术栈
最后更新: January 18, 2023