1. How Can You Use Examples
1.1 Giving Examples
- supporting evidence for their claims or arguments
- help to understand and remember unfamiliar or difficult concepts
1.2 Examples as the Main Information in a Sentence
- talk about other papers and methods
- describe a "domain word"
- classical examples
1.3 Examples as Additional Information
- give some short - examples for an concept or an atmosphere
2. Common Writing Errors and Their Corrections
2.1 Italics and Underlining
- Italics and Underlining are methods a writer can use to emphasize particular parts of a sentence, like the domain word.
- cannot use on the general part like your examples.
3. Punctuation Point
3.1 Italics and Underlining
- for the names of book titles, newspapers and magazines, and the name of movies, plays, television shows, radio programs, software, musical compositions, and work of art
- using italics to highlight the names of commercial products, which can help to remove confusion.
- using italics for words and phrases used as examples, or for words in other language.
- using italics or underlining for the names of spacecraft, aircraft, ships and trains.
- Do not use italics or underlining for the titles of legal documents, such as the constitution
- Do not italicize or underline the title of your own theses or research papers
- Do not use italics or underlining to highlight quotations, footnotes, or notes under figures and tables. (make your paper difficult to read)
- using italicize for Latin medical words and phrases
- using italics or underlining for the titles of articles, essays, or short published works
4. The Writing Process
4.1 Avoid trying to write everything at once
- Binge writing seldom produces high quality writing, and the process can be stressful and painful
- writing little but often allows you to get into the flow of writing quickly and regularly with less stress
5. Tips for Journal Submission
- prove your paper is connect to real-world, make it interesting. Otherwise will give the reader a solution to a problem that does not exist.
- make sure your paper prefer theoretical or application
- summarize the contribution of your paper: certain areas, comparable results, relation with previous research
- make your continuing research questions interesting to absorb subsequent researchers
- explain how your theory applies to real-world and its advantage.
6. reduce the using of inappropriate vocabulary
7. use more academic vocabulary
最后更新: January 18, 2023